Successful Technology Evolution with Nanomaterials
If you are planning to utilize nanomaterials in your commercialized products to create differentiated performance, then you need to ensure that the nanomaterial can transition from the lab bench to the manufacturing plant seamlessly. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is a critical strategy that many in the chemicals industry are familiar with. For producing nanomaterials, Cerion has developed quite a unique approach to DFM that has allowed our customers to capitalize on the beneficial properties of precisely designed nanomaterials in their products, while having reliable and cost-effective source of supply in the long-term.
In order for Design for Manufacturing to be effective, it involves the following:
- Designing with the end-user in mind. This is always at the forefront of Cerion’s approach to DFM – we ensure our nanomaterials are designed to meet our customers’ precise specifications and can seamlessly be integrated into their product. Oftentimes, we will consider key technical and economic factors, including particle size, surface chemistry, production feasibility, required volumes, etc.
- Reliable and cost-effective source of supply. Cerion knows that this is always top of mind in any product you are looking commercialize. We have rigorous practices in place that ensure we source the most optimal raw materials (to meet purity, cost, and availability requirements) and leverage the right synthetic capability (to meet both design and economic requirements) to help you achieve your long-term commercialization goals.
- Efficient production. Development timelines are just as important as meeting performance and cost targets. Our wide range of synthetic capabilities paired with our technical team, comprised of scientists and engineers who specialize in designing, characterizing, developing, and manufacturing nanomaterials, allows us to quickly identify a path towards creating the most optimal nanomaterial for your use case and easily pivoting when necessary.
- Highest possible quality material. We all know that you get out what you put in. To successfully leverage nanomaterials in your products, they must be precisely engineered and fit for purpose. This precision must remain intact whether produced at lab-scale, or pilot- and industrial-scale manufacturing. Cerion’s fully equipped analytical lab and team who specializes in the complex art of nanomaterial characterization allow us to identify early-on the attributes that are of greatest importance for your product and monitor them throughout development to make sure the integrity of the nanomaterial is preserved and of the highest quality when it meets our customer’s product.
Cerion’s Strategy
In addition to the above tactics, Cerion’s unique approach to DFM involves:
Have a project that utilizes nanomaterials? Contact us to discuss how to take your nanomaterial to the next stage in development.